EU3D researchers at the 2019 EUSA conference

Several EU3D researchers participated in the EUSA conference in Denver on 9-11 May 2019. 

Denver, Colorado (Photo: Hogs555 [CC BY-SA 3.0])

European Union Studies Association 16th Biannual Conference
Coming Together or Moving Apart?
9-11 May 2019, Denver, Colorado, USA

Organizers: European Union Studies Association 

Thursday 9 May

Ben Rosamond (University of Copenhagen) will give the JCMS keynote 'European integration and the politics of economic ideas: Economics, economists and market contestation in the Brexit debate'.

Sergio Fabbrini (LUISS University) will participate in the panel, 1A Roundtable: Europe’s Future: Decoupling and Reforming

Ben Rosamond (University of Copenhagen), '“I’d Rather be a Poor Master than a Rich Servant”: Brexit as Low Information Politicization' in the panel 1B The Political Economy of Brexit. 

Guri Rosén (ARENA/OsloMet), chair and discussant of the panel 1D Interaction, Cooperation and Conflict in the Global Commons. 

Sabine Saurugger and Fabien Terpan (both Sciences Po Grenoble), 'The CJEU and the Parliament’s Powers since Lisbon. Judicial Support to Representative Democracy?' in the panel 1H New Developments in the Study of the European Parliament.

Dorte Sindbjerg Martinsen (University of Copenhagen), 'Implementing European Case Law at the Bureaucratic Frontline. How Domestic Signaling Influences the Outcomes of EU Law', in the panel 2H EU Law in Action.

Fabien Terpan and Sabine Saurugger (both Sciences Po Grenoble), 'Explaining the Transformations of Law: The Cases of Migration, Cybersecurity and Economic Governance' in the panel 2H EU Law in Action. 

Max Steuer (Comenius University), 'Supranational Democracy Through Judicial Review? Studying the Relationship Between Democracy and Integration in EU Member States’ Constitutional Courts', in the panel 2H EU Law in Action. 

Guri Rosén (ARENA/OsloMet), 'Riders on the Storm: EU Foreign Policy in an Age of American Withdrawal' in the panel 3B Contesting EU Relevance in a Challenged Liberal World Order I.

Kalypso Nicolaïdis (University of Oxford will participate in the panel 3C Democracy and Responsiveness in the European Union: On Schneider's 'The Responsive Union. National Elections and European Governance (2019)"​​

Sabine Saurugger (Sciences Po Grenoble) will participate in the panel 3G Authors Meet Critics: The Transformation of EU Treaty Making: Gold The Rise of Parliaments, Referendums and Courts since 1950. 

Simona Piattoni (ARENA/University of Trento) will chair the panel 3K Regional Capabilities and Growth. 

Pavol Babos (Comenius), 'Doubting European Support: Public Justifications of Negative EU Funds Perception' in the panel 3M Spoiled Carrots? Erosion of EU membership benefits perceptions in Central Europe. 

Sergio Fabbrini (LUISS University) will be a discussant in the panel 4B Author Meets Critics: The State of Europe: Political Theatre in an Age of Events. 

Sabine Saurugger (Sciences Po Grenoble) will chair the panel 4E The Puzzle of National Preference Formation and the Study of the Euro Crisis. 

Sabine Saurugger (Sciences Po Grnoble), 'Feedback Loops and Preference Formation in France' in the panel 4E The Puzzle of National Preference Formation and the Study of the Euro Crisis. 

Guri Rosén (ARENA/OsloMet) will be the discussant in the panel 4L The Design, Effect and Legitimacy of Institutional Frameworks Established by EU Bilateral Agreements (2) -Legitimacy and Global Dimension.  

Friday 10 May

Jarle Trondal (ARENA/University of Agder), 'Governing Ministries and Agencies in Times of Turbulence: Evidence From a Large-N Study' in the panel 5D European Administrative Networks and European (Dis)integration.

Dorte Sindbjerg Martinsen (University of Copenhagen), 'Change or Stability in Network Governance' in the panel 5D European Administrative Networks and European (Dis)integration.

Dorte Sindbjerg Martinsen (University of Copenhagen), ''The European Court of Justice in Times of Politicization: Law as a Mask and Shield” Revisited', in the panel 6E Transforming European Legal Orders. 

Espen D.H. Olsen (ARENA) will be the discussant in the panel 6H Transformations of EU Citizenship.

Hans-Jörg Trenz (University of Copenhagen), 'Claiming EU Citizenship: Social Media as a Site for Pro-EU Mobilisation During Brexit' in the panel 7E Pro-European backlash? Responses to Euroscepticism and Right-Wing Populism in Europe. 

Guri Rosén (ARENA/OsloMet), 'Competitors or Allies? Politicization and the Interaction Between National Parliaments and the European Parliament in EU External Affairs' in the panel 7K Politicization and EU Trade Policy.

Sergio Fabbrini (LUISS University) will participate in the panel 8C Roundtable: Is the US Experience Useful for Understanding the EU’s Future?

Guri Rosén (ARENA/OsloMet) will chair the panel 8C Roundtable: Is the US Experience Useful for Understanding the EU’s Future?

Guri Rosén (ARENA/OsloMet), 'Representing Whom and What? Dutch MPs and the Referendum on the EU-Ukraine Agreement' in the panel 8C Roundtable: Is the US Experience Useful for Understanding the EU’s Future?

Pavol Baboš (Comenius University), 'EU’s Free Movement of Labor: Benefit or Curse? Lessons from Central Europe' in the panel 8I Central Europe's Illiberal Turn: Research at the Bend. 

Zsolt Gál (Comenius University), 'Escape from Gravity or Merely a Delayed Plummet? Explaining the Economic Resilience of Central Europe's Illiberal Turn'  in the panel 8I Central Europe's Illiberal Turn: Research at the Bend. 

Maria Giulia Amadio Viceré (LUISS University), 'Intermediaries and Orchestration in EU Foreign Policy: The Case of the OSCE in the Ukrainian Crisis' in the panel 8J Understanding EU Foreign Policy Actorness & European Diplomacy in Practice. 

Sabine Saurugger (Sciences Po Grenoble) will chair the panel 8K The European Court of Justice in Context.

Simona Piattoni (ARENA/University of Trento), 'Two Decades of Italian Euro-Membership: From Europhilia to Euroscepticism', in 6B Backlash Against the EU in West and East Europe. 

Saturday 11 May

Kalypso Nicolaïdis (University of Oxford) will participate in the plenary panel Honoring Vivien Schmidt – EUSA Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient. 

Jarle Trondal (ARENA/University of Agder) will chair the panel 9D New Directions in the Study of the European Commission. 

Dorte S. Martinsen (University of Copenhagen) will participate in the panel 9H Author Meets Critics: The European Court of Justice and the Policy Process. 

Fabien Terpan (Sciences Po Grenoble) will chair the panel 10E Law and Legitimacy Across Levels of Governance​​​​​​​. 

Hans-Jörg Trenz (University of Copenhagen) will chair the panel 10F Diffusion of EU Norms: Contestation of European Values​​​​​​​. 

Kalypso Nicolaïdis (University of Oxford) will chair the panel 11A “Populism in Europe” or “Populism and Europe”? Causes and Consequences. 

Jarle Trondal (ARENA/University of Agder) will be the discussant in the panel 11F Theory Development and the European Commission II. 

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Published May 9, 2019 10:17 AM - Last modified Sep. 3, 2019 1:53 PM