EU3D Insights: Brexit from a Nordic perspective: Labour market and social organisation

Stein Reegård discusses the issue of Brexit and its relevance for the Norwegian debate on the European Economic Area in this issue of the EU3D insights.

Brexit from a Nordic perspective: Labour market and social organisation (pdf)

Stein Reegård, EU3D Insights, July 2023

This insight is dealing with important aspects of Brexit and the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) in a Nordic context. Reegård summarises the main findings of a report from the Norwegian Federation of Trade Unions (LO). In this insight he focuses on possible relevance for the Norwegian debate on European Economic Area (EEA).

Norway has been a member of the EEA since 1993. This has provided Norway with open access to the European single market, with the exception of the customs union, agriculture and fisheries and without joining the EU as a member state. Reegård takes the perspective that the labour market stands out as the most important of the 'four freedoms'. The labour market should primarily be a national responsibility according to the EEA Agreement, but supranational mechanism come into play through, inter alia, minimum standards. From the Norwegian side there have been some frustrations, when EU case law and management have turned out to be more interfering in national policy than foreseen.

The insight first briefly looks at 'Brexit economics' before discussing the labour market more extensively.

About the author 

Stein Reegård is a consultant on European Economic Area (EEA) issues. He is former Chief Economist in The Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO) and was State secretary (1986-91) in two of Gro Harlem Brundtlands governments.

Published Aug. 10, 2023 1:37 PM - Last modified Aug. 15, 2023 11:19 AM